Monday, September 8, 2014

B.U.I.L.D Math Centers

B.U.I.L.D  Math Skills with
Math Centers!
This week I started my B.U.I.L.D Math Centers! The first day was a SUCCESS and the students are so excited!
This picture shows how my B.U.I.L.D centers are organized!
The posters/signs were all free on TPT just click here.
The bins I picked up from the Dollar Tree (of course)! I will eventually buy little hooks to place the group names on so that I can easily rotate them, however post-it notes are doing the job until I make a trip to Wal-Mart!
NOW this is the IMPORTANT part .... The activities I place in my Math centers are tools/activities that we have already been exposed to in class. If you see in past blogs I used tools for 10 more 10 less, even and odd, and etc. These are the activities in my Math Centers. This way the students are familiar with the tools/activities and they can complete them independently. ALSO my math centers serve the purpose of reviewing past skills taught, while I pull groups to work on current struggles.
SO... this week in Math we are learning how to add using pictures. You will not see my students working on this skill in centers due to it being new material .... HOWEVER you will see these skills next week in center time! MAKE SENSE?
HERE are pictures of my kiddos participating in their centers today (their 1st day at B.U.I.L.D centers)...
Buddy Games
This center should be activities that allow students to work with a partner. Hence the name "Buddy!" These students (only 1 was captured in the picture silly me) are working on putting together a 100 chart puzzle.

Using Manipulatives
This center should house activities that require students to use manipulatives. Last week we studied Even and Odd numbers. One activity we completed required students to look at a number, count out that many connecting cubes, and them make "partners." If all the cubes made partners the number was Even, if there was an Odd man out the number was Odd. So in this center I gave them a Color by Code Even and Odd worksheet BUT made them use the connecting cubes to figure out if each number was Odd or Even.

Independent Math (Interactive Math)
This center can be named "Independent Math" or "Interactive Math" whichever suits your fancy!
I gave the students our dry erase "T", marker, eraser, dice, and 100 chart. They rolled the dice and then had to answer 1 more 1 less 10 more 10 less. See the past post labeled "10 More 10 Less" to see an example of this activity. Once again we had already completed this activity in previous lessons, so the students needed no explanation on how to complete their activity!
(Sorry I did not capture a photo of this center )

Learning about Numbers
This center will have the students deepen their number sense. This week I have the students cutting apart a 100 chart and then gluing it back together (like a puzzle). This will review their skills of 10 more 10 less and also strengthen their number identification and counting skills.
Doing Math
This center can really be ANYTHING you want it to be! Eventually I will make this center be Math Tasks .... but my kiddos have not been exposed to that enough yet to be expected to do it independently! SO this week I gave them 2 Math center games to choose from. The first game is pictured above.
This is similar to Memory. The students have yellow cards which have dots stamped on them. They also have a stack of green cards that have the number and number word written on them. They take turns flipping over a yellow and green card. If they match they keep the cards, if they don't they flip the card back over. The student with the most cards at the end win!
These students are playing the dominoes math center. The students each turn over one domino. They then name the amount of their domino. The student whose domino is the biggest number gets to keep the dominoes. The person with the most dominoes at the end wins! FUN way to compare numbers!

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