Wednesday, May 27, 2015


New TPT Product Alert
I have been working hard on a Resource Pack for our 1st Grade Reading Street Series! I hope to have 5 Units complete by the end of summer!
Want it for free?
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Friday, May 15, 2015

I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for Ice Cream

We all SCREAM for
I can't believe that we are in our LAST full week of school!
I am looking very forward to the first day that I don't have to wake up at 5:30 am! At the same time however, I am not looking forward to saying good-bye to 19 of the sweetest smartest 1st graders!
For our last full week together we participated in an Ice Cream Unit! When I think of summer; I think of Ice Cream!
Take a look at some of the fun activities we did...
 What is your favorite flavor? I served up a bowl of Neapolitan Ice Cream and let the class vote! After tasting each flavor they colored their scoop of ice cream appropriately and placed it on our graph. Of course they carefully debated which flavor was the best!

 Then we reviewed Fact vs. Opinion! Kids really struggle with this concept! I gave each student a sentence while sitting at the carpet. I chose each student to come up and read their sentence for the class. We then discussed whether it was a Fact or an Opinion. The student then placed the sentence on the appropriate side of the board.
Afterwards the students had a Fact vs. Opinion cut and paste worksheet they completed as an assessment! Guess what .... these sentences were about Ice Cream!
We played a fun partner activity that reviewed our Addition skills. Students had a worksheet and 2 dice. The worksheet had an ice cream cone with scoops of numbered ice cream. Two cones were on the page ... Player 1 cone and Player 2 cone. Player 1 rolls the 2 dice, adds the numbers together, and colors the ice cream scoop with that number. The first player to color all their scoops WINS! (warning this may take a while)
Once a player won, they flipped the worksheet and had another activity to complete together. They had to write an addition sentence for each sum on the ice cream cone.

We read the story "Should I Share My Ice Cream?" by Mo Williams. I love this author and the Elephant and Piggy books are wonderful! The students then had to put themselves in the Elephants' shoes and decide if they would share their ice cream or not. They wrote 3 reasons why or why not, and then transformed those thoughts into a paragraph!

 Which popsicle will melt the fastest?
That is exactly what we wanted to find out so we placed a red, purple, and orange popsicle in a cup outside and observed!
While we were waiting for the melting to occur .... we ate popsicles of course!!!! We also enjoyed some outdoor reading time!

We enjoyed the story "The Ice Cream King." This is a wonderful book for teaching Visualization! I had my boys and girls close their eyes and imagine living in a Kingdom made of ice cream. Then we made the craft that went along with their writing.

Our BIG last day activity .....
We made Ice Cream in a Bag!

After eating our Ice Cream we created a graph and answered some questions about our Ice Cream Bag experiment!

At the end of the week we took our last Field Trip together as a class. We enjoyed a wonderful day at the park playing with our other 1st grade friends. This is a picture of my daughter and her friends at the park! What great memories!
Oh ......
My school was on the news this week!!!
Our 2nd Grade Teachers were featured for their Wizard of Oz Thematic Unit!

Friday, May 8, 2015

1st Grade Smarty Pants Camp

1st Grade Smarty Pants Camp
The end of the year is upon us! I have to admit that the last 2 1/2 weeks of school are by far my FAVORITE! (and not because it is the end of the school year)
The HEAVY weight of state testing has been lifted off of our shoulders and we can start to have ALOT of FUN and LEARN at the same time!
Before I show you my Smarty Pants Camp Unit ..... Let me show you our class Count Down!

The day after testing I replace my Reading Group bulletin board with an End of Year Countdown. I made 13 notes (we had 13 days of school left) that gave my class fun little activities to enjoy. I pick an extra good student to pop one balloon each morning and read our note for the day. These are some examples of activities I have planned:
Leave your shoes at the door day
Sit by a friend day
Play with sidewalk chalk day
Tic-Tac-Toe Tournament
Rock Paper Scissors Tournament
Science Experiment
Movie/Popcorn Day
The kids LOVE this and look forward to popping the balloon each morning! PLUS this is a little something you can hang over their head to try to manage that end-of-year behavior! "I only pick students who are making good choices to pop our balloons!"
Now to make my room look like Camp Smarty Pants...
I recruited some WONDERFUL parent volunteers to help with this endeavor!

 We pitched a tent in the classroom, decorated the hallways, and BOOM ..... Smarty Pants Camp has begun! The kids came in on Monday SHOCKED at the transformation that took place!

Here are my plans for the week at a GLANCE!
Glimpse at Monday
We started off Monday by finding out who has been camping before, and who has not! What better way to do this than a graph!?

The students picked a circle (yes/no). They illustrated their circle and then placed it on the appropriate side of the anchor chart. We then counted the votes, took that data and created a bar graph, and used the graph to answer questions about the data!
(corresponding graph worksheet came with the Unit)
Then the students participated in some group work practicing the skill of ABC order. Each group was given 26 cards (all camping themed of course) and they had to work together to place the words in ABC order. After they had the cards in order, they each had to record the words on their recording sheet!
Glimpse at Tuesday
We have studied Comparing and Contrasting using a Venn Diagram throughout the year ....
so for this activity I placed a Venn Diagram at each of my groups. The students had to work together to Compare and Contrast camping in a Camper vs. camping in a Tent! Then we came together and completed a class Venn Diagram using the ideas they came up with in their groups.
Later in the day we took a Nature Walk to an outdoor classroom that our neighboring elementary school has.
(my school is Primary which is PreK - 2nd ... the Elementary is 3rd-5th and is right across the street)
While we were there we used our crafty binoculars (made from duct tape, string, and toilet paper rolls) to observe nature using our 5 senses. We of course left out "Taste" so I wouldn't have students trying to eat anything .... uggh!! They recorded their observations on a recording sheet.
Then we sat in a circle and shared our "Campfire Stories" that they students wrote at home for a homework assignment.

Glimpse at Wednesday
Who doesn't love SMORES!?
Wednesday was all about SMORES ....
first we built words using the SMORES ingredients!
Then we sequenced "How To Make a SMORE." I had the ingreidents organized at the back table along with a baking pan from our cafeteria. The students went to the back table and made their SMORE ... placing it by their name on the baking pan. After making their SMORE, they had to use the writing paper to sequence their steps and illustrate what they did. While they were completing their writing, my EA took their SMORES to the kitchen oven and baked them until the chocolate and marshmallows were nice and melted! YUMMY!
She returned to the room with a OOEY GOOEY SNACK for the kiddos to enjoy! Of course on the back of their sequence writing page was an Adjective page in which the students had to list adjectives that described their SMORE!


What would you do if you had SMORE time in 1st Grade?
This is the question my students had to answer with a fun writing prompt and craft! The things they wrote were quite entertaining!
At the end of the day we conducted a Science Experiment "Growing Marshmallows!"
Did you know that if you put a marshmallow in the microwave it GROWS?
The students made observations before it was heated, during the heating, and after the heating! Of course they had a page to record their observations!
I loved watching them GAWK with amazement as their marshmallows GREW inside the microwave!

Glimpse at Thursday
We started Thursday learning about Acrostic Poems. We created these cute "HIKE" poems along with a craft. We then took what we learned and created another Acrostic poem for Mother's Day!
Thursday was a BIG day for our class! I had asked the students to bring in a paper airplane for a Math activity! They were so excited to fly these babies!
We headed outside with our paper airplanes in tote along with a recording sheet. Each student was to record 4 flights and use their steps as a nonstandard measurement tool. They had to record any changes they made that might have affected their flight like their direction, wind, etc.
They found that the wind had a BIG effect on the flight of their airplane, and that airplanes with weight (pennies taped to it) flew a lot further than the planes without weight! Hmmm.... interesting!

Check out this CUTE Mother's day gift we made!
Friday AT LAST!
I can't believe we made it to FRIDAY!
The students were asked to bring in a BOAT on Friday!
Yes .... a BOAT!
They could make this boat out of ANYTHING ... I just asked them to test it out to make sure that it could float!
BOY do I have some crafty kids (parents)!
I filled up a kid pool with water, and we headed outside with our boats!
We made predictions on what boats we thought would sail the best, and we talked about what each boat was made from. We discussed how some materials would float and what materials would not float! Most importantly ......
These are some of the boats that the students turned in!

This is a Zucchini boat ...... made from a Zucchini!

Can you tell we were just a BIT excited!!

 This is a video of one of the boats in action!
YES it has a motor!
We ended the day with a BANG!
Our PTO sponsored a celebration for our school to celebrate the wonderful fundraisers our students participated in throughout the year!
We had Jumpy Jumps (that's what we call those inflatable things) and Snow Cones!
Right before we went home I presented each student with a specific Smarty Pants Camp Award ...... and we took a class picture!
I promised to let them take a "goofy" picture if they would all look at the camera and SMILE for a real picture!

 I can't believe Smarty Pants Camp is over!
Of course I didn't make all of these resources on my own .... I purchased many of them through TPT! Please use the links below to find and purchase these resources!
Check us out next week to see our