Thursday, January 1, 2015

RUN RUN as fast as you can ...... We are making a GINGERBREAD MAN!

I did not create a lot of the resources I use for my Gingerbread Unit... but these are links for units I purchased on TPT!

I start the day off with Gingerbread Centers! Each center is reviewing a skill we have already learned. My classroom is arranged into 5 groups, so using 5 centers works perfectly. I allow each group 15 minutes and then they move to the next center! All the centers have recording pages that students must complete, so the students take these with them as they move along the centers. At the end I staple their pages into a packet for them to take home.
Check out our Gingerbread Centers:
Center #1 Gingerbread Opposites
Students match the Gingerbread Boys to their opposite Gingerbread Girl. When all the cards are matched, they record the answers on their recording sheet. For example, the boy gingerbread reads "short" and they match it to the girl gingerbread that reads "tall."
Center #2 Real vs. Nonsense Words
Students read the words on the Gingerbread cards and sort them as Real words or Nonsense words. Then they record the words correctly on their recording page.

Center #3 Gingerbread Sentences
The students copy the sentences from the Gingerbread sentence strips and must fix the mistakes in the sentences.

Center #4 Gingerbread Contractions
Students must match two Gingerbread men to the house that has their matching contraction. When all of them are matched they record the answers on their recording sheets.

Center #5 Gingerbread Cookies
This is the BEST center!
Students come to me at my back table and cut out gingerbread men using cookie cutters and gingerbread dough. I place their cookie on a cookie sheet (from our cafeteria) and label so I know which cookie belongs to which student. I will bake these while the students are in special classes!
Makes the classroom smell sooooo YUMMY!
When the class returned from special class, we found that our cookies were missing!
We read this book...
... and went on a Scavenger Hunt around the school until we found our missing Gingerbread Men cookies!
Then we decorated our Gingerbread Men of course!!
Check out all the YUMMY ingredients my wonderful parents donated to help us decorate our cookies!

Don't forget the crafts!!
Each student had a Gingerbread Man cut-out and used various art supplies to help their Gingerbread Man/Girl come to life!




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