Thursday, December 11, 2014

Contraction Surgery

These words need SURGERY... STAT!!
Today I introduced the concept of contractions!
Every year I prepare this activity, and I get excited every time!
(I guess I just like to role play in my classroom, it's so much fun!)
When my kiddos entered the room from our RTI time they found me wearing a medical mask!
The questions flooded in:
Mrs. Jessica are you sick? Are you ok? Why are you wearing that? What's on your face?
Well I got their attention!
I introduced the concept of
taking two words and shortening them! I call the apostrophe a "Band-Aid."
They just LOVE IT!
Then I give each student a mask, gloves, and a Band-Aid.
I issue out to them their first patient. They first must work in pairs, because they are training to be doctors.

After they mastered their first surgery with their partners, I assess them to see if they are ready to do surgery independently!

Check out my room full of doctors!
I'm hoping that in 20 years or so some of them come pay their old 1st Grade teacher a visit, and I can learn that some of them aspire to be a doctor! I'll just pull out this picture and take credit for their inspiration!

Place Value Centers

Reviewing our Place Value Skills
We have been working hard on our Place Value Skills in my class. I wanted to make this weeks B.U.I.L.D Math centers all about Place Value!
Check out what we did at each center:

Buddy Games: The students had two sets of cards. One set had a picture of base ten blocks representing various number. The other set had the corresponding numbers. They had to flip one of each card over and see if they got a match. If they matched they got to keep the cards and take another turn, if they didn't match they turned them back over. With each turn you could watch the students counting their 10 rods and cubes and strengthen their place value skills!!
Using Manipulatives: The students had a bag of buttons (or you can use beans), 4 small Dixie cups, and this page template that I had laminated so they could write on it with Dry Erase markers. The students scooped up a cup (I modeled how to get small scoops to make their work easier) of buttons. Then they had to make groups of ten and place the "leftovers" in the circle. Finally they could count using their place value skills and record the number in the square. Then they just simply erase, clean up their buttons, and get a new scoop to do it all over again!
Independent Work: The students are given the worksheet template, two dice, marker, and an eraser. I placed the worksheet template in a dry erase sleeve so they can use their dry erase markers. One dice indicates how many tens they have, the other dice indicates the number of ones. The student rolls the dice (I use my dice containers to limit noise and projectile dice) and records their tens and ones on the worksheet. Then they must record the number that it creates. Once the student completes the entire worksheet they have a partner check their work. Then they simply erase and do it all over again!
Learning about Numbers: Students will have a 120 chart in a dry erase sleeve. They roll a dice and color in that many on the 120 chart. Then they roll again and add. For example: If a student rolls a 5 they color up to 5. Then lets say they roll a 3. They must then say 5+3=8 and color up to 8. The goal is to get to 120 as fast as possible. Once they reach 120 I then make them go backwards all the way to 0 to practice their subtraction skills! If you want to spice it up give them a timer and have them time how long it takes them to get to 120!
Doing Math: The students are given a spinner page and a worksheet template that is placed in a dry erase sleeve. They spin the spinner to get their tens and ones. They record this number on their recording sheet. Then they must record the number that is created! Once they complete the whole page, they simply erase and repeat!

Kingdom of the Diagraphs

Once upon a time....
in the land of the Diagraphs...
This week we were exploring some Diagraph sounds!
After some brainstorming (which entails surfing the web/Pinterest) I came up with "The Kingdom of Diagraphs."
Of course you can't have a Kingdom without Kings and Queens!
I made a crown template, pulled out my sentence strips, and TAA-DA! My class became the Kings and Queens of the Diagraph Kingdom!
I labeled the crowns a variety of Diagraph sounds and then passed them out. The students had to record words that had that sound on the sentence strip. Then they cut the crown out, glued it on the sentence strip, and I stapled the sentence strip together to form the "hat." When I placed the crown on their head I said "I now pronounce you King/Queen of the (diagraph sound) Kingdom!
I explained that they had to KNOW their sound ... in case anyone in the school asked them what they were wearing and why!

They took ownership of their learning and were BEAMING with confidence!
I of course took it off the deep end! We even walked in the hallway with our noses in the air ..... just like King and Queens do of course!!

I Don't Know What I've Been Told ....

Left, Left, Left, Right, Left
We worked on Place Value Skills
When checking out my favorite blogs for ideas on teaching Place Value I found this fun video!
I took this idea and ran with it!
Grabbed my army hat at the local Dollar Tree and practiced my "Drill Sergeant" voice!
The kids LOVED it!
For our "partner work" in the lesson I found a WONDERFUL Place Value scavenger hunt complete with exercise cards! The students walked around the room with their recording sheets. Some of the cards posted on the walls had base ten block pictures, and some of the cards had exercise activities. The students had to look at the base ten blocks and write the matching number on their recording sheet. If they found an exercise card they had to complete the exercise!
GREAT way to motivate, keep them moving, and practice place value skills!
Check out the pictures of my boys and girls on their Place Value Scavenger Hunt!
Working hard counting base ten blocks!

Push-ups anyone?
It is so fun to watch little ones do jumping jacks!