Friday, August 22, 2014

Characters and Setting

Characters and Setting
We jumped off the diving board and DOVE right into identifying Characters and Setting this week! My school has the Reading Street series, so this week we were reading the story "Snap." Of course I just can't read the story and complete the workbook pages ..... my GOAL is always to make it ENGAGING and FUN!
So..... we started to listening to "The Rainbow Fish" at Storyline Online! LOVE THIS BOOK!
(This is a great website that has famous actors/actresses read popular children's books)
After listening to the story, I play the SILLY teacher (I do this often) and stated that the setting of the story was in a jungle! The kids almost had a come-apart! "NO Mrs. Jessica, you are wrong," they exclaimed! I then had them prove to me that I was wrong! Hmmm.... higher order thinking anyone .... common core anyone??? LOVE IT!
I then let them work with a partner and complete a Character/Setting Sort! This was a quick way for me to assess if they could distinguish what a character/setting was!
Finally, we dug into our weekly story "Snap." After reading I assessed my student's mastery of the skill by having them complete this Character/Setting Interactive Journal page! This was our first time with an Interactive Journal page so it took some time and modeling to ensure they got it right (where to cut and where to glue to ensure success)! It was SUCCESSFUL to say the least!

We proudly displayed our work on the wall for all to see!

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